The first tourists at the KMR, Radomsko, summer 2018
Tourists from Sweden, Israel, Belgium, England, and United States came to the ‘’Kesselman Museum in Radomsko’’ during summer 2018, with the honorific visit of Dr Dirk Verhofstadt (brother of former Prime Minister of Belgium) and David, grandchild of a survivor from neighbour village Pławno. They are writing a book about Radomsko.
Tourists from Sweden, Israel, Belgium, England, and United States came to the ‘’Kesselman Museum in Radomsko’’ during summer 2018, with the honorific visit of Dr Dirk Verhofstadt (brother of former Prime Minister of Belgium) and David, grandchild of a survivor from neighbour village Pławno. They are writing a book about Radomsko.
Culminant visits were with Holocaust survivors from Radomsko, Jerzy Haze and Moshe Waksman. Jerzy Haze, 9 years old during the war lived in the same building of my father Herszele Kesselman in the ghetto. We went there together and the feelings cannot be described with words.
Moshe Waksman’s father has been saved during the war by my uncle Alek Kesselman when they escaped the prison thanks to the bombing by the Polish partisans during August 1943, who then wanted to kill them (by Sojczyński “Warszyc” and Koćwin, yimar shemam. Testimony of Alek Kesselman for the ‘’Spielberg Shoah Foundation’’). Moshe Waksman, 14 years old during the war, showed us, to his family and to the tenants of the building where the hole and bunker was located under the building of ul. Mickiewicza 9. Very impressive.
Descendants of Radomskers and little groups of Polish tourists enhanced this lovely summer in Radomsko.
By the end of the summer, the ‘’Museum of Printing house’’ in Radomsko, created by the Kaminski family, and located in the building of the former Jewish Community building (ul.Mickiewicza 5/7) has been inaugurated in presence of the Mayor, Starosta and Chairman of the Regional Parliament of the Lodzkie Region, respectively, Mr Ferenc, Zakrzewski and Mazur and other political personalities of the Region. The Kaminskis are moral partners since the creation of the ‘’Kesselman Museum in Radomsko’’ in 2013. The KMR wishes them lots of success !